Why do I blog? Because it's there, I guess. Like Mt. McKinley and the English Channel and the marathon.
But whatever the reason, this is my 900th entry in On the QT. So what have I learned? Lots about myself. Lots about what I want to reveal about myself. Lots about what's surface level and what's below the surface. That is latent stuff that I didn't know was there. Until I searched for a picture and found a memory or an idea. Maybe a slant or take. Misinformation and prejudices.
Don't ask for specifics. Just go back and hit on older posts. There'll be your proof.
I also have learned that I don't have as many readers as I thought I would. I have some dedicated readers and to you I say thanks. I hope I've given you something to chew on, gnaw on, or spit out. It is for you and for me that I write.
And if you're not a faithful reader, then I take that not as an insult, but as an inspiration that I need to be reaching more of you. Thus, I have to be more entertaining. Somewhere between Garrison Keillor and John Gresham, I suppose.
So thanks for reading. I hope I can eek out 900 more. However many, they're never a chore.
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