Let's take a Presidential candidate. With lots of money and lots of moxy. Let's have him give a speech. He's good at that. Much better at speaking than acting. That is, at governing. Or even being present for a vote. But if he does vote one way, he can re-tool his ideas and flip flop.
Let's send this inexperienced candidate to a foreign land. How about Germany? Let's get a huge crowd to cheer him on. Ok, how? Let's offer free concerts just before he speaks. Two--one a rock concert for we need young Europeans in the crowd. So let's get a group called Reammon, they're popular. Add reggae star Patrice, a popular German artist, and have them entertain, gratis of course, just before our candidate speaks.
Don't worry about the press. They'll just show thousands wildly cheering him. Plus, it worked in May in Portland, Oregon, when we used the same tactic of offering a free concert before his speech and the press never mentioned it.
I think it'll work again. At least that's what Jan Ekin reports from Black Canyon City, AZ.
Do I believe her? Unequivocally. Who would make something like that up? And the beat and the beating goes on. Just what place does partiality and unfairness have in news reporting? It's a thing in the past.
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