That President Bush gets raked over the coals for everything? For not having 20/20 hindsight? For the shape the country's in today?
Of course not.
Then how about revisionist modern history? How about flat out lies that he knew about, allowed it to happen, participated in the downing of the Twin Towers on 9/11?
Of course not.
How about the smallest comment blown up and reported? In today's San Diego Union Tribune an article criticizes the President for not taking seriously the housing problems in our country. He commented that the housing industry must be doing well in Dallas because Laura was shopping there for a house today. Thus, he's laughing at a huge national problem. Fair?
Of course not.
How about all the political cartoons he has been the butt of the joke? The caricatures? The attacks that he's dumb--he a grad of Harvard and Yale? Fairness?
Of course not.
And some people cry to the high heavens about a liberal magazine that dares to poke fun at Obama. Fair?
Not yet.
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