I once asked a friend how old he would be if he didn't know. He thought the question silly. Although it was not an original question, I thought it thought provoking. He didn't. His answer; "As old as I am now". I guess he's a realist.
I know I would be considerably younger if I didn't know how old I was. Oh, I know. And that's painful enough. But if age is just a number, then my number should be a lot less.
I never look at or think about a member of our high school class without thinking of a comment made by another classmate at our twentieth high school reunion. "There's James," Tammy said. "He always wanted to be old, and now he is."
I would hope no one ever thought that about me. I know Tammy didn't or she would have said so.
But how clean would you be if it was not culturally ingrained and expected of us? If you weren't chided, if you weren't rejected for unkemptness, then how often would you bathe?
If you had access, but also choice of when to shower, then when would you?
For me, it would be easy. Daily, without a doubt. I have an extra sensitive nose. My wife, extra sensitive ears. So to her, the question might be "if you didn't have to speak, if it were culturally acceptable to remain silent and respond only when you felt like it, how much would you talk?'
Man, there are a lot of unanswered, or unasked questions out there.
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