Has there ever been a generation who thought theirs wasn't the best? The best time to live? The future looks dim if not scary?
I don't think so. But why did so many relish the past, their past and lament the present? Because the past is safe. The memories have survived. The person(s) has survived. Memory is selective, too. We tend to block out or totally eradicate bad memories. And we can do that, simply because we control what we think about. We control point of view, as well as perspective.
Not only that, but we limit or pigeonhole our reflections of people based on only a few incidents. My former 6th grade teacher and basketball coach wound up being a grade school principal where our kids attended. I also taught both of his daughters in high school. Whenever I would see him, he would always talk about coaching me and telling the same story;"those boys taught me more than I taught them that year".
I have caught myself doing the same thing. In my memory bank, former student turned co-teacher, turned boss, turned AD, turned parent to two of my students, Coach Doug Creel, and I have been through a lot together. Yet the two stories I tell about him are how he frowned and acted disgusted when bringing up the ball when he was point guard for a team made up of rummies; that is guys who had no idea what play was called or where they were supposed to set up to initiate the play he called. The other is how he spent a lot of time in my class paying attention to a cute cheerleader who sat two seats in front of him.
My point? As we get older, our computer based data bank gets so full that we're forced to isolate, to diminish in order to have any lasting memories at all. If this info is new at all to you, then great--it means I haven't shared this thought before.
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