"What time is it?"
"Do you mean right now?"
I've always thought that one of the better Yogi-isms. But time and time again I've had people ask what time it was when they were wearing watches. Yet how some people relate to time is really amazing.
The ones who are punctual are concrete realists in one psychological test, while those never on time except by coincidence are abstract randomists. The two don't much mix. But I'm convinced it's in our DNA and will never be altered.
I'm the former and I wish I weren't. I'm trying to change somewhat, just because I put too much emphasis on the clock. So I try not wearing my watch, unless I really have to be somewhere for an appointment or meeting. But I'm not too successful because I have this inner clock that approximates what time it is anyway. And I'm pretty accurate. In addition, I never set an alarm clock. I just know when to get up. To further support the DNA theory, my brother is the same way.
So when we concrete realists get agitated with you who don't take the clock as seriously as we, just try to understand. for one thing, we're envious of you. Just don't make us late.
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