I'm so behind the times. I'm so technology challenged. I don't have a navigator, a GPS; I can't use PIP on my tv; I have no idea how to text message or what an I-Phone does.
Only recently have I been able to play my DVD and then switch the tv back to VCR or cable. Only recently have I used my cell phone much at all. And I still don't carry it with me. It sits at home or occupies my console in my car. To be fair though, only after my recent lascik eye surgery have I been able to see it well enough to use it. That excuse won't hold up for any of the other gadgets.
I guess gadgets, doodads, and gizmos don't really describe all the advantages of modern conveniences. I mean, they are especially handy. I suppose.
But if you ever catch me wearing a BlueTooth or another of those beetle-like devices that attach to one of the ears, well, you'll know I've lost it. Because I never want to be that important or that busy or that much in need.
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