Rain has not been welcomed this year in the Midwest. Flooding has made national headlines in Iowa and Missouri. In So. Illinois, it seems to rain daily.
So why has the Midwest become Seattle this Summer? I'd guess it's cyclical. But I'm sure Global Warmers would wag their fingers at man, specifically Americans, for causing such a weather calamity.
I'm not one of those on the global warming bandwagon. I'm not one on the bandwagon of a lot of in vogue thought these days. I'm certainly not in favor of abortion, pardon me, pro-choice--I'd hate to offend in this PC world. Oh, yeah, I'm not much into PC either. Which covers a whole lot of subjects that I might as well not include. Ok, I'm not into same sex marriages either. I'm confused/re-tooling my ideas (an Obama pleasantry for flip flopping)/re-visiting/re-examining my thoughts on gun control.
Furthermore, I'm totally convinced that only those who believe and follow Jesus Christ will enter Heaven. I believe in our country, our schools (though stop playing political football and allow teachers to teach and administrators to administrate and pay them for their labor without attaching carrots to strings in the name of accountability. Accountability has always rested with the student and his parents. And quit testing. AIMS, Prairie State tests, ad nauseum. You have two tests--SAT and ACT for high school students. For me in grade school it was the CAT. That's all we need. A test that students will want to perform for because it's important to them. As far as No Child Left Behind--drop it. As far as Special Ed programs, great; as long as gifted education is funded equally including pull out programs like special ed. Do you mean to tell me we have more Special Ed students in our country than Gifted? I just found another thing I believe.) And, yes, I too, Mr. Costner believe in long kisses and the 7th inning stretch.
Wow! I said a lot. Or too much. Or not enough. But blog entries are funny like that. It started with a comment a friend of mine from MTV made. Our conversation went something like this: "Bob, I wanted you to know about the power of prayer. I've been praying for you to get some rain," I told him at a prayer breakfast last month.
"Well, it's sure been working 'cause I have to mow my yard about every 15 minutes."
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