Did you ever know a child who didn't love dandelions? Me neither. The kid will pretty much take what he/she is given.
They don't understand that dandelions are not valuable. To them they are readily available, pretty in their bright yellow color, and when they can be blown away spreading their seeds near and far, well, they're just fun.
The same with clover. Making chains was more of a girl thing. The boys liked to break the chains or necklaces the girls created and strung together.
Maple pods make whirly birds when they'd be wind or human blown. Some more musically inclined could make a noise with them by putting them in their mouth and holding it just the right way. I never could do that anymore than I could whistle with fingers poked in my mouth or make the flatulant sound of bare hand next to bare armpit.
But I could appreciate those who could. But I also appreciated the dandelion, the clover, and the maple pods. All remnants of a childhood well spent outdoors.
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