There are things that irritate us. Being unable to find a score on any of the sports channels. Just when they're getting to your favorite team, they break for commercial and when the return, three minutes later, they have skipped your score. That happens. All too many times.
There are things that anger us. News stories about abuse, neglect, outright evil. There are wrongs that just can't be righted.
There are things that annoy us. The glare of the sun this time of year when it is right in our face when we're driving. A fly who keeps bugging us. A bee that won't, as Dickinsn says, "state his sting". Far too many celebs and their personal out- of -control lives. The Cardinals' bullpen and lack of trading at the July 31 deadline.
Then there are things that bring out the primordal scream as in Munch's poster. To me, one is the driver who changes lanes and dares others to hit him/her, after he/she has tailgated so bad that you can read their lips in your rearview mirror. And this one, you've heard before. Stores that have 15 or more check out registers with no one manning/womanning them. I've shopped and I'm definitely ready to leave, but there are no checkers.
Just one more. The revisionists of history and the ones who don't have, but expect others to have 20/20 hindsight. The ones who blame the US for 9/11 or the ones who deny the Holocaust took place. The ones who yell about Tibet and Darfur but ignore Hussein's genocide in Iraq.
I haven't had a good scream in a long time. But I feel one building. I'm not even going to spell check because I'll have to read the entry agan, and I'm afraid after one more reading, I just might let one out.
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