So I don't get to watch Friday Night Lights until January when it's shown on NBC. What's up with that? I only watch a very few tv shows at all besides sports, and now I have to wait half a year to see it.
Oh well. I guess that's just one of the changes I'll have to deal with in 2009. It's still a scary thought to me that our country will have a new President. Named McCain (please) or Obama (please not).
So change is coming one way or another. By then we'll have a new World Series Champ (again, please). The NFL playoffs will have begun. Another BCS College Football champ will be politiced in (again, no playoff to determine the real champ). Winter will have her claws dug in. It will cost more money to play golf than to fill up my tank (again, please) (please not). Yeah, I'm ambivalent about that one.
We will have, Lord willing, another grandchild (definite please). So not all change is bad. We'll be counting down the days till Spring Training begins and baseball will return with better results and fewer injuries for the Cardinals, a couple of Rams' victories, and the Suns whoopin' up on everybody (another please).
And to think, it all started because I don't have Direct TV, a Tivo, a Palm Pilot (does anyone?), a DVR, an Ipod, I-Tunes, Wii, or an eight track stereo system. Have a good 2009.
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