I love to watch the old reels of World Series spectators from the 50's. They wore suits and hats to the games. Not team logos, but wide brims, fedoras, bolers, old men hats. They wore ties to the games.
Same way on airplanes. In the olden times, people actually dressed up when they flew.
Not that I go to a lot of games, but I have and only once do I remember wearing a suit to a game. Believe it or not, Stan The Man Musial got us tickets to a 1982 World Series game. We had dinner with him as well at The Stadium Club in Old Busch Stadium. Well, there were several there, but I was forced to wear a burgundy colored corduroy suit and tie. I know, straight out of a Will Farrell movie by the same name.
Hey, anything for The Man who had ventured into a business deal with my wife's boss. So there's the connect.
Most other games I show my support for the team with a tee shirt, golf shirt logo, or jersey. But, I'm so old school, never would I paint my face; it would remind me of pimples that dotted that canvas for too much of my early life. Nor would I wear anything like the Raider fan. If I were in charge, I wouldn't even let him in the gate looking like that.
Oh well. Cheeseheads? Never. Wearing a helmet to a game? No chance--I'd want to see the game after all. But then I may have just hit on something. Some go to the games to be seen and some go to see.
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