That's what I used to feel like after a series of rains moistened the ground and dampened my spirits. A rain hater? Yes, I am. I feel guilty about that living in a desert where every precious drop is appreciated, so I must amend. I'm not a rain hater here. Just every other place on earth not in the throes of a drought.
Rain outs, rain delays, sun spoilers--I just never liked to be out in the rain. I think I would have preferred God's original plan to water from the ground up through springs. But The Flood produced the first sky rain, and it's been around ever since.
I don't mind sleeping to the sound of rain on the roof. Kinda like the sound of a far off train. But to be caught in the rain, to be drenched, to be soaked to the bone, well, that's not for me. The chill with the rain. Freezing rain. Driving rain. Windshield wipers scraping across, denying visibility.
Well, enough. Even Fred Astair could have danced better on drier ground.
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