For the fall, for the demise, for the break up of The Beatles?
And why would that come to mind?
Well, for one thing who could figure out my mind? But what got me thinking down that path was "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time."
What a great song. As were so many by The Beatles. Some of us in our youth, in our naivete, knew back then that the songs our parents didn't particularly care for (maybe it was the decibel levels we crashed when listening) were great. And, of course, they're still very popular today.
Proof? Name as many pop songs as possible from the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and 00's along the artists. The ones from the 60's will be known by more people than any three other decades combined. It's a fact. Ok, I don't know that.
But back to my original question--what broke 'em up? Some say success, some Yoko, some Ravi, some the Maharish Yahish Yogi. My guess is drugs. I know I never cared for most of the later Beatles' songs. From '62-'66 was the wealth of talent IMHO (in my humble opinion).
So now I'm angry. What did the world get robbed of because of drugs? Well, a whole lot more than The Beatles, but it's a sad note to a legacy. A legacy of one group and one world.
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