If the billiard parlor game wanted to increase its popularity, they should adapt this alteration to the old pool table. Now that game could be fun.
Of course, the participants would get to choose whose noggin would go into the facial cage. As far as I can tell by the picture, there would be four slots to fill. Think of the possibilities.
Keeping in mind that there would be no injuries to the ones whose heads are encased. Well, it's just the perfect opportunity to rattle one's cage.
I'd like to suggest a national personality, a politician, a neighbor, and a co-worker. I'll let you fill in the blanks. And no I won't tell you mine.
Ok, just one. The personality. I live in Phoenix Suns' land where Sir Charles Barkley once played. I don't care for him. Never did. But it seems as if I'm in the minority in the West. He's up there in many people's top ten list. I won't pontificate on my reasons for my dislike, but if he would agree to step inside the cage, I'm afraid I'd want a well chalked cue stick to play in the game. Well, at least to tune in to watch on national tv in prime time.
So with tv's vast waste land of shows out there, I have an idea for entertainment that tops Deal or No Deal and Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader. Or maybe we could combine all three shows into one.
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