As I continue on my quest to put out into the open things that puzzle me, as I write today, there are two. Who knows, by the end of this entry I might just find a third or fourth.
Yips are what a golfer occasionally gets when he's putting and can't make a three-foot putt. But how can yips be the norm? But that's me anymore. Give me a forty-footer with break or straight, in fact it can be in the first cut, and I'll get it consistently into gimme range. But if I don't; if I leave it three feet short or long, well, just send me to the cart and add two. If my buddies can tell what I'm doing wrong, they're silent about it. But I line up, don't squeeze the putter, don't break my left wrist, don't move my head, think I'm going to make it, don't put too much right or left hand in it, take it back straight...and miss it. Change putters? Practice? Take a putting lesson? Yes to all, although my putting lesson was unofficial from a PGA Store salesman where I bought my next to last white hot two ball putter, affectionately called Yippee. So, I don't get it.
Chrome? Where did it go? When I see the new cars and compare them too the old, that's what stands out to me. Bumpers are supposed to have them. Even my Schwinn bike had beautiful chrome fenders back in the 60's, so where did it all go? Did chrome dry up? Even on the most expensive, you won't see them. Plus, they were fun to look at yourself in. A sorta funhouse effect. But anyway(s), I miss my old bike and chrome.
I'll save the third thing (see one did come to me) for tomorrow. It's surprisingly about politicians.
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