or THIS IS MY NOW. Remember that dippy song, sung and made popular by Glendale, AZ, American Idol winner Jordan Sparks? (Who father Philipi was a former Cardinal player, by the way.)
Well, this is it. Game On! And the Big Red can't let this get away. Or as Shakespeare said in Julius Caesar, "when comes such another?" As in chance.
I don't even want to hear talk of how if the Cardinals fail to win today's game, that the future is bright, they'll be back, ad infinitum. The chance is now. One more time.
There are simply too many variables not under any team's control. One injury, one defection for greener pastures, one blown official's call, one shift in management or loss of coach(es) can all lead to a season of no playoff games. I could have added one cheating coach (NE Patriots), one lousy commissioner, one quirk in the schedule, too.
So One More Time may not happen. It took 61 years for them to get where they are. So don't, repeat: please don't offer condolences with optimism if the football team in Arizona loses today. I'll take the condos (opposite of the kudos), but you can keep the optimism. Besides, after the loss, I'll be a Ram fan again. Or wherever Kurt Warner winds up.
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