Don't desire. Just admire. Certainly don't acquire.
That was the Sunday sermon advice of our lead pastor. He's right, too.
Yet in our country, that has all changed. People who had no business started buying huge houses, expensive cars/SUVs and going deep into debt. But they were happy.
Right. All you heard was how unhappy they were. The media fed this monster, actually the monster the media created. "Where's mine?" was born.
"Where's mine?" It's right there. It's more than you ever dreamed about, than you could ever have hoped to own, but it wasn't enough. It never is. Not if one's focus is on the material.
And it swept the country. Greed. That's what got us into the pickle we're in right now. What's going to get us out? I don't know. But neither does anyone else.
Certainly anyone hyping a bailout doesn't know. It feeds the same animal. Spend our way out.
Maybe if we just printed more money. Yeah, right. That worked in Zimbabwe, where
$500,000 in their money is worth 2 cents. Literally.
Oh, well. This is one of those entries where I have no answers. Only non-answers. All I know is that a huge cloud outside my window looks like a turkey right now. But soon, it will morph into something else. Just like, well, I guess it doesn't matter anymore. The turkey became a clown with a huge smile. So everything will be fine.
There's an Open House down the street. I think I'll go. I could always use another house. One that's close. You know, for when friends visit.
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