This was almost the exactly spot. In Santa Fe. Where 25 years ago I was racially profiled.
You see, since we live in AZ, I know lots about racial profiling and stereotyping. The nation's most famous Sheriff, Joe Arapio, runs the town. He actually tries to uphold the law. And he gets accused of being a racist.
He tries to stop illegal immigrants. They're Hispanic or Mexican or Latin. I really don't know the PC term for them. But since it's the law, he tries to find and arrest them.
I guess sometimes he accuses legal citizens, or perhaps pesters legal citizens, I'm not sure. I know many don't like him. And, honestly, I don't know if they disagree with him or the law. But when nearly 100% of the illegals are brown, much like many in the valley, it can be a difficult task.
The only time I've been there, I was standing on the city street in Santa Fe with my family, all who wore blonde or gray hair, when a bag lady approached me. "You slobs need to get out of this country and go back to where you belong."
You see, I'm rather brown myself, so I suffered from racial profiling. I'm sure I was her target since she addressed me. Speechless, I stared at her for a long time as she walked away having summoned me.
Maybe her last name was Arapio. I don't know. But when I think of New Mexico, I don't think of a long time friend and doctor from there. Or from a short time friend who was opening a restaurant there. Or even the land of enchantment as advertised on their license plates. No. I think of that bag lady.
And laugh.
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