I'd still fight to ride that guy. If I ever see one like that when I'm taking our grandkids to a theme park or even a mall, watch out.
Little kids take a back seat. That one is mine.
Can you imagine an armored horse on a carousel? Wow! Mess with me: I've got the toughest horse anywhere.
But then reality rears its ugly head. I couldn't get away with knocking a little kid down. Even for such a lofty purpose. Such a grand ideal--to ride the best steed on the carousel.
An even harsher dose--I'm nearing the age where that's the only ride old people can handle. And they usually sit in those old benches between the real animals, like the one pictured. Or stand, afraid that if they sit, it might take them two rides before their old bodies would allow them to get up and off the benches.
But that may still be better than riding some of those sissy horses that some kids pick. You can tell a lot about how a kid is going to turn out by the carousel horse he opts for. But any related to me, better choose the tough horse or have me to answer to.
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