I've never been to Mt. Prospect, IL, but a friend of mine used to teach there. He never told me about their water tower.
Now you tell me there's only water in that tower. With all those supporting poles? I counted at least 10. Never have I seen so many for no larger reservoir.
Only two scenarios come to mind. There's more than water in that bowl. Or some pole contractor made off with a lot of money for selling the city fathers a bill of goods.
Those aren't just the ordinary support poles. The one in the middle is large enough to support the entire structure alone if you ask me. And since Mt. Prospect is in northern Illinois, that is, anything north of say Farina, then you know those shady characters cannot be trusted. But for the sake of speculation, we'll say the poles were needed because of sinking shale and porous bedrock from where the glaciers receded.
Then what's really in that tank? That's the question. Maybe the writers from 24 should be consulted. But I'd suspect it's something nuclear or biologically cultured for destructive purposes.
Maybe I'm just making too big a deal out of it. I'm capable of doing that. But I'm glad my friend doesn't live there anymore.
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