Tall, lean, his mother was the one with the personality. ´´drop something, Teddy?¨ she´d always say when I´d fall down diving for a ball in a backyard game.
Stoic Eric rarely played although his younger brother did, in fact he was a great athlete, good enough to start at qb for a good MTV team in the day.
Eric? He´d be hiking or maybe reading some obscure author. But he didn´t care if he belonged or not. He was Eric and that was good enough for him.
Oh he had friends. Mostly guys just like him. Guys that loved nature, the woods, maps and mysteries. No social graces for them. Boy Scout badges were their goals. Just for the sake of achievement. Not to wear to brag about. Goal conscious. Not conspicuosity.
I´ve known many Erics. But he was my first. Definitely different but worth savoring.
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