Do you give money to those in need? You know, when you see them begging, pan handling, holding up a sign?
I've heard lots of different views from lots of different people. Some rationalize, some ignore, some get upset, and thankfully some give.
Why do I fall into the last category? Well, it's certainly not because I'm better than the others. It's just that I don't want to judge. Because you just never know someone else's condition, someone else's heart.
I don't give to all: I don't give a lot. But we're told in scripture that what we do for the least, we do for Christ. I love pleasing Him. After all, I must disappoint Him in so many other ways, that's it relatively painless to fork out a few dollars now and then. And, it makes me feel better, too.
We also buy McDonald's coupons to give out in five dollar increments. Again, it's easy. It may just be helpful. We have so much. I'm all for giving a person a hand up. A helping hand. A bail out. No to the last.
Bail outs are entirely different to me. That's rewarding incompetence. That's forgiving greed or mismanagement or bad decisions. What's the diff? Lots. Most of the bailout decisions were made from a position of prominence or security. Speculation based on earning to pad deep pockets.
For those holding the signs, their decisions are often based on need, based on desperation, made from empty pockets. Sure some, in fact, probably most also made some terrible choices. But they weren't made from a mountain top.
Once I give, it's up to God and the receiver what is done with the money. And if that person makes another bad decision, well, maybe that will be the last bad decision as he learns from it.
Maybe not. But I tried.
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