The poster says. Change Your Life One Moment at a Time. But how does one do that?
Moments is an accurate description. Fleeting. All too sudden. And then on to something else.
They simply don't linger. They hardly last long enough to give your mind's eye a picture. One that's stored in your memory bank.
I know, you're waiting for examples. I make a statement that calls for support, for proof and I don't give it. There's a reason. It's my moment, my memory. Unless we share in it, you won't feel a thing. Comprende?
Now, why would I want to change my life one moment at a time? The poster seems to imply that everyone should or does desire that. But we all have great moments. I wouldn't want to change some of them for anything.
The things I'd love to change, for the most part, I can't. I don't have the control. So if you haven't figured it out yet, I don't agree with the saying on the poster.
I'm more into making moments. Making lasting memories. That's the change I want. To make a moment last.
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