Or so I like to think. How many times have we wished for the chance? For one opportunity to tell someone what we think? To stand face to face with them and communicate?
And when by sudden chance we do, we freeze. We have a dose of reality set in. We think better. By clamming up, we preserve our dignity, perhaps save our jobs, certainly save face (both literally and figuratively), or help us to prepare for the next encounter.
Sometimes, all we need is a chance, too. To perform. A friend of mine in junior college was older, married, a veteran who had traveled extensively. In other words, a complete opposite of a 17-year old frosh in his a Speech class. We also shared an English class and sometimes would help each other with essays. He, a great conclusion paragraph writer, and I the intro with thesis writer.
When I gave a speech on the Kennedy assassination, he had to critique me in class for a grade. We were friends, yes, but he was a grade-conscious maven who thought himself an expert on Kennedy. He had slammed me on my speech in his written critique until question time.
When I went into great detail about powder burns and proximity, he changed my evaluation. He was ready to nail me to the wall until I had the opportunity to eclipse his initial reaction.
And, strange as that may be, that's what came to mind upon finding the quote. A long ago friend for a season and a college Speech class. So this quote, unlike yesterday's must be accurate.
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