We as a country are mush under this admin. Someone from France said we were the new France.
Are you kidding me? All we can do, and that took over a week, is to scold the Iranian government for their actions and tell them "the world is watching".
Take a look in that mirror, Mr. President. The world is watching us, too. When you have a dictator who threatens to wipe out Israel and who also threatens the US and Gentiles everywhere, and we stand by giving no support to the protesters, well yes, we look weak.
In the information age when bloggers and facebook and twitters and text messaging are readily available, and we give no more support to them, nothing more than wagging a finger at Ahmadinejad and asking him to play nice, well yes, we look weak.
When we don't follow the path of Ronald Reagan, but instead choose the hand wringing path of Jimmy Carter, then well yes, we are weak.
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