So what is a Tedbit? Little ponderances of me, Ted. Just bits for the most part. If you don't like, that's ok; I don't see them as a regular feature of On The QT.
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A high school friend of mine recently reminded me of a practice we performed in the 60's. When riding in a car and going over railroad tracks, we passengers would lift our feet. Why, he asked? I can't remember. But we did it.
When I asked my wife if she had done that, she said no, and she had never heard of anyone else doing that. When I pushed and asked why we did it, she had a one word response that probably sums it up--"Nerds".
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I not only saw, but I also killed my first scorpion in AZ this week. The only other one I had seen was in South Africa. But groggily I lifted up a rubber raft that I leave lying by the hot tub. As is my routine after a hard morning of work or walk or golf, I throw it across the hot tub, partially submerging myself and take a nap lasting from 15-45 minutes. Usually closer to the former than the latter.
Out came this little guy. I thought that's one of those little lizards with his tail up in the air acting like a scorpion. On second glance I surmised, that's a scorpion acting like a scorpion. He fell into the tub as I observed. He crawled out and I smashed him with my Nike sandal. I called Truly Nolen, our pest contract people, and they sent my man Ray out to spray. He identified it, or the remains of it, as a bark scorpion, one of the nasty kinds.
I'm still waiting for my first rattler. I hope it's a long wait.
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On the first tee, a golfer whiffs his tee shot. He says nothing. He also whiffs his second tee shot. He turns to the other three in his foursome and says, "This sure is a tough course."
That's all the Tedbits. Hope you enjoyed.
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