Why do we sit idly by and allow only Italy to have gondolas and gondoliers? There's a gold mine to be made out there gondolizing.
I mean we certainly have a lot of canals, even in AZ. We have shallow waterways, just perfect for gondolas. What is more romantic than a boat ride? When someone else is doing the rowing part or pushing off, what ever the gondolier does to move the boat along.
It must not be too strenuous if he has the energy to sing. And that's romantic, I guess. At least most women seem to think so in the movies. And we know not only are jobs scarce for the general population, but for the arts, well they are really hurting. So a plethora of talented singers, shoot, talented musicians could be employed in this venue. Why should the gondolier only sing? Accompaniment, accompaniment. Charge twice the price. Plus, if you happened to get a fullback gondolier, the violinist or cellist could do a solo. Scratch the cello--too heavy.
Rough economic or Obamic times (hey, if there was Reaganomics, then there can certainly be Obamanomics or BO-nomics) call for drastic measures. Gondolizing is my stimulus plan.
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