And you better have an answer. If not, why not? If not now, when?
First you should be reading the Bible daily. Do I? For the most part. At least a devotional of some kind. I get a daily one from Pastor Rick Warren and I plunge into it. Once in awhile I find myself reading it too fast, thinking I know that scripture and the application. But every time I do that, I slow down, re-read, out of guilt but I find the blessing. The Word is God made flesh and not to read it, study it, cherish it, is to miss out on a closer relationship with Him. For an even better way to study scripture, get into a Bible study or two.
Second, you should be reading current events in your daily newspaper, at least. Keep in mind, it's not your Father's news. Back when Walter Cronkite was telling us "And that's the way it is..." he disguised his liberal leanings to the point that was professional journalism. Not so today. When you watch CNN, also balance that out with FOX. Vice versa. Don't rely on anyone giving you the news as they see it. Have an open, intelligent mind and decide what's right.
Third, read novels or historical fiction. Try autobiographies or literature of the real world. Read, read, read. It's still the single best way to improve your mind that I know of. Whether in paper or in text. A Kindle II works well, too.
I'm currently reading about a half dozen books in addition to the ESV Bible. The Mezzanine, The World's Best Golfer Who Never Was, The Lincoln Lawyer, and Faith of the First Ladies. I have a few others I'm ready to attack, but these should keep me busy for awhile.
Plus, if I never finish them, I'm better off having tackled them in the first place. Pick up a good book today. There will be no quiz, and if you don't like it, for Heaven's sake, put it down. So many books/too little time is true.
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