You see, I missed my stop. So I've been riding ever since.
I'm perfectly comfortable, so I haven't moved. I've felt no needs.
But you're the first to talk to me. To ask me how I'm doing.
Thanks for that. But why the puzzled look?
Haven't you ever missed the station of your destination? Sure you have. So what's you do? Well, for me I just stayed on. I'm stubborn like that.
What started it all, you see, was bathtub ring. I got so tired of cleaning the tub with tile cleaner or 409. The smell was worse than the ring.
Then it got to be Summer. I put on short sleeve shirts that weren't short anymore. They covered my elbows and went half way down to my forearms. I was ticked.
Then I put on a new pair of shorts. They aren't short at all. They go passed my knees and nearly to mid-calf. I've had enough. If shorts aren't short and neither are short sleeves, then what am I to do?
No more shorts: no more rings. I just grew. And turned green.
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