On the QT

Thursday, May 06, 2010


And I have one all the time. I even wake up with one. Early in the morning is a boon time for mine.

It's simply a tune or lyric that stays in your head. Only yesterday was I informed of its name.

It happens to me a lot after a church service. Maybe because with the modern praise songs, there is so much repetition. At least with the old hymns there were stanzas with a refraining chorus. Now, many songs just repeat and repeat and take longer than the 4 verses of the old songs.

So it's Wednesday and I'm still singing parts of the lyrics and melody in my head. It could be worse: I could be singing "Don't Worry/ Be Happy" or some other moronic song. "The Macarena" is another that could drive one crazy after a brief case of earworm. Inane commercial jingles, too.

When I get an earworm, I find a radio station and listen to another tune. That usually does it, but not always. I used to have an old reliable. Eight Days A Week would get me to stop singing the bothersome song in my head. But lately, after I sing The Beatles' song, the other song returns.

But never fear. I have a solution. I read about it today. I needed it today and it worked. Smell some cinnamon powder. The song or rather the earworm leaves. Don't ask me how. Try it next time, It's a Small World invades your psyche.


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