On the QT

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Naugh. This entry is not about romantic heartbreak or heartache or "once in awhile he won't call". It's not about a loss in that way.
It's not about the loss of a loved one taken from us all too soon. It's not about our shattered hopes and dreams and plans. Although all in both paragraphs certainly warrant tears.
The woman's tears in the picture and my tears are for those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. There's an eternity out there. We can be certain. We do not have to hope. We do not have to wonder whether or not we'll make it to heaven. If we believe that Jesus is who He said He was--God in the flesh who came to serve and save. If we believe that He died and rose from the grave after three days. If we believe that we were born of Adam who sinned and caused the separation from man to God and that we are sinners. If we confess our sins and try to turn from sinning. If we ask Jesus to be the Lord and Savior of our lives and nothing we can do will earn our way into heaven because it is a gift from God through His grace, then we are born again and we can rest assured that we will be in heaven.
If you believe all that I've written in the previous paragraph and simply pray a prayer including what I've said, then welcome to the family of God. There will never be a bigger decision that you have to make in your life than this one. If you wait, then at least for now you have made the decision not to follow Jesus.
And if you do that, then my tears are just like those in the picture. I want to spend eternity with you. We can look on the face of Jesus together. He who loved us so much that he would rather die than live without us. (I must credit Pastor Rick Warren for the last sentence, but it's one I embrace.)
You will feel so much better when you do. Of that, I am positive. Plus, you won't make me cry.


  • At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Also, as Rick Warren says, "The best gift we can give Jesus as we celebrate His birth is trust".


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