Finally somebody asked my opinion about something. No, I wasn't one of the three out of four doctors surveyed, but I was asked to track my tv watching for one-week. Also, a ton of other questions about where I shop, when I shop, if I vote, etc. Not only that, but I get paid, too.
Imagine what an old guy they think I am when on Sunday afternoon, I marked that I watched two episodes of Gunsmoke. Now, I don't like them quite as much as Nathan, my youngest grandson or Bill Woodfall, a friend, but I do like a good Western.
They asked if I watched the World Series--oooohhh yeah. And the NBA--only the Suns. The NFL--hardly ever since I get the football Cardinals games. Hockey--never.
Any soaps? Only one-- Y&R (am I old school or what?)
Favorite channels? No Ted Turner, that's for sure. Any MTV, Vh 1,CMT, or BET--naugh. But I do sometimes. While flipping. But not enough to count. Maybe I should have, because that John Legend video and song about all those different women is pretty good. And Idol star Carrie Underwood is getting better all the time. I don't know what happened to Taylor Hicks, but I don't much like Pickler, Clay, Reuben, or Fantasia.
Anyhow, it was worth the effort to be counted. And maybe my opinion counts for something. I hope so. Anyhow it was fun to be asked.
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