On the QT

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Somewhere between a cooty (remember that board game?) and a toy duck with Sperry topsiders sits The Quackers. And you know which one you are.

Numbers 1 and 2 are in the forefront. They are the talkers. Both at the same time. Any communication going on? Self-communing I suppose. It reminds me of political arguments I used to get into with Coach Red, the Beaner, and Skorch in the Teachers' Lounge. Of course, none of us ever lost an argument or changed our point of view.

Number 3 is the listener. He may not add anything to the conversation, but she (I never have figured out how to include both male and female without sounding awkward) is taking it all in. An active listener, too. Again it reminds me of the Teachers' Lounge when I would "stir it up," as Coach Gill used to tell me. Then I'd just sit back and observe. And enjoy the show.

Number 4, in the back, is left out. He/She is trying to be included, but is invisible. It's not a snub, it's not to be hurtful, it's not even rejection: it's just being overlooked. When it comes to making small talk, I may be the worst ever. I don't like it, and it shows. In our Adult Bible Fellowship (nee Sunday School class), we have time to chat before we're seated for the lesson. All the people there are great and I enjoy them all. Just not in the situation. So I stand, sometimes like Number 4, sans coffee and donut (I've already eaten)--completely out of the loop.

So I guess I answered my question. I'm all 4. Now, which is the best, and which is the worst?


  • At 1:13 PM, Blogger R Pietsch said…

    3 is the best...1 and 2 the worst...not bad being number 4 as long as it is not all the time...:)


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