The morning is not complete without my close perusal of The Arizona Republic. It's a very good newspaper for the most part. They really have it together in their delivery service, too. I think they have missed one day in the 6 years I've been a subscriber, and even then they got me a copy before 9:30 when informed.
Their sports writers are a little too Chicago for me in their coverage, but you must understand that Chicago is sinister to me. It's a hang up I'm trying to get over. Their editiorial cartoonist is not good. He thinks he is, but only on rare occasions does he produce anything worth pondering.
The rest of the paper is quite good. Most of the feature writers down to agate masters put out a very good daily. A little--make that, too far to the left for me, (hey, if you're more liberal than the San Diego paper, then you are leftist), but I adjust, and enjoy the read.
But for today's paper, well, let me explain. Usually one of the last sections I get to read is AZ Living because it contains the daily sudoku. I rarely get to sudoku because my wife loves to, and of course, I acquiesce. On Monday's edition there's also a Super Quiz, 9 questions ranging from freshman to Ph. D. level. Today's topic; mythical places. One question on the freshman level was the biblical original birthplace and home of humanity. "What," I exclaimed. "Mythical? There's nothing in the Bible that's mythical."
On the Graduate level the question asked What is the abode of condemned souls and devils? The answer, of course, hell. Again, mythical? Is that what political correctness and secular humanism have done? Hell is not real?
As friend and fellow teacher Bill Carter used to say, "I beg to differ." If Barracade Books Inc., North America, apparently the creators of the quiz, believe there's no such thing as the Garden of Eden and Hell, then they have my sympathy. And disgust. (I know; I need to work on my feelings towards Chicago and the Super Quiz, but it's hard when my stomach has turned my breakfast upside down.)
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