On the QT

Sunday, July 01, 2007

I think Laura Bush is a great First Lady. She seems gracious, appealing, genuine, and supportive. But where has she been?
Even if she doesn't like the limelight, she does seem to have a lot to offer. She's bright, she's concerned about students learning to read, and she's a Christian woman who should be a role model. But why is she almost invisible?
In fact, there are so many questions about the President that I don't understand. Who are his handlers? And I don't mean that negatively, but who is advising him and how to get across his message? Why don't they emphasize how much of an environmentalist he is. I'm not kidding. His house in Crawford has been re-designed to be perhaps the greenest house in the country. How about global warming? His admin. has spent far more money on global warming than Clinton/Gore. Where's the kudos?
What about the economy and stock market? What about removing a tyrant who practiced massive genocide? What about homeland security since 9/11? I see them all as positives that went virtually unnoticed by the media and the populace.
I'm sure opponents could site many failures as well. But those have been emphasized and overly hyped by the media. Vast right wing conspiracy? Hardly. But why have Bush's accomplishments been swept under the rug? And where is Laura? She's certainly a positive that should get much more exposure.


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