On the QT

Friday, June 22, 2007


Ok, it doesn't have quite the ring to it as A Tell Tale Heart. And no, it's not another blog entry on getting older. Well, at least not a lot about that.

What time would it be on your face it it didn't have a clock? Huh? How old would you be if you didn't know how old you really were? How old do you feel? Finally, what is the fondest memory from your chilhood? What is your fondest memory of last week? Year? Your life?

If you're expecting answers from me, sorry, you're not getting them right now. I think these are too hard to answer. But they are fun to ponder.

Ok, I'll answer the first. Since I haven't shaved yet, it must be early morning. There's coffee by my side, so that cinches it. My hair is "Must up". I'd guess 7:04: nope, it's 7:02. Now if I were younger, I'd get out my gel (would Butch wax do? and do they still make it?) spike up parts of my hair, wad up other parts, put on a baseball hat, maybe wear it backwards, and start my day. But something tells me I'm older and that would look stupid. I know, it looks stupid anyway(s), but those looking like that don't have the benefit of time to draw on. They'll have to wait for styles to change. Or maybe when the clock on their face strikes 13.


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