On the QT

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"IT T'S Webdings
Webdings is a bad font to type in. That's what all the little pictures and characters are at the start of this blog. It says "It's webdings".
Now about this flower. Or petal. I know it's not a stamen or pistol. Those are flower parts I learned in grade school. Notice I didn't say grammar school--that would mean I was an old dude.
You see I picked this flower and then carefully tore out the center and held it to our bright blue cloudless Summer sky. Ok, I didn't. But that's what our skies generally look like. Not many clouds. But it rains here. I think we've had 1.7'' of rain this whole year. I think we were gone for about half that amount, but hey, that's why the Lord placed me here. He knows I don't care for rain and steel gray skies.
But it's not even Summer yet and it's getting hot out here. Days of 106 degrees are getting common. I'm having to awaken my wife at 5:30 for her daily walks. One of these days I'll join her again. 110 degree days start this weekend. Residents are taking off in droves. The Phoenix metropolitan area is shrinking, relatively speaking.
We had neighbors over for pizza last night. I went to get takeout from Oreganos, one of the most popular places in town. In fact, unless you have lots and lots of time to wait, you can't even get in the place unless you go around 4:30 PM in peak months. Last night, no problem. Not many there. The staff was overly nice to me--a customer. I wasn't sure they weren't going to comp my pizza. They didn't: it was great.
So all's not bad in the Summer solstice of the Southwest. At least I keep telling myself that.


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