I am so current; I'm on the cutting edge. With tongue firmly planted in cheek. I'm so out of it that it's like a calculus class you get lost in and can't find your way back. That never happened to me, never advancing that far in high school or college math, but it did happen to my son in high school. He was away from school for golf regionals and sectionals and orchestra county tours on back-to-back-to back-to back, etc days and missed his calculus class. After his hiatus, he was swamped and dropped the course. Of course, he picked it up again at the U of I in the following year, but anyway(s) that's a long digression. So I'll add another one. He informs me that contradictory to one of my previous blogs, he is an excellent tie tie-er or tyer. So he's the first male in a long time in our family that was able to conquer the knot. Mea culpa, Scott.
So, back to current times. Oh well, I didn't have much to say about Paris Hilton anyhow. I honestly thought, "I've stayed there," when I first heard those two words put together--Paris Hilton. It's not far, in fact within easy walking distance to the Eiffel Tower, and we've stayed there at least twice.
How the person, not the hotel, came onto the scene, I'm not sure. How she's stayed on the scene I'm even more unsure. From what I understand, she parties/partys a lot, sings a little, and was in a reality show about farm life. To prove my premise that I'm out of it, I'm dead serious--that's all I know about her abilities.
And now she's violated parole and is in the pokey. So what's the big deal? There are laws in a society (no pun) and if you break them and get caught, you pay the price. I don't care what gender, color, religion, social class, clubs you belong to or not, people you know or not--just do the deed. It all seems simple to me.
But then again, what do I know? My Paris Hilton didn't have bars on the windows.
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