When we first moved to AZ, we had one orange, one grapefruit, and one lemon tree in our yard. The oranges were just delicious. Not much of a grapefruit eater, I didn't care much for them, though they were better than ones I had from the store. Lemons, well Trini Lopez said it, and a famous poster said something about making lemonade, so they weren't missed much when we moved 14 houses up the street.
At our current abode, I just realized by a little mistyping abode becomes adobe, oh well--we have one navel and one citris good only for orange juice. So I figure I'm ahead in the fruit growing department.
Around the corner from us is a huge lemon tree, just chock full of lemons when in season. Creative occupants have hung a huge decorative lemon, about the size of the body of the Spa Citron woman in the picture. At first glance, one is apt to do a double take because of the exact color and placement in the middle of the tree. The fake lemon is probably 2' x 2', healthy even for an Arizona lemon.
Other neighbors have basketball goals. Now if I could just play enough basketball to get the tread like bumps and seams off the ball. Naugh.
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