On the QT

Sunday, June 17, 2007


When I encountered the picture of the braille flag (right, autographed by Martina McBride) it brought to mind a little baseball story from years past.

Earl Weaver, former manager of the Baltimore Orioles, could raise a ruckus with the best of them. He'd argue with umpires and really put on a show. Nothing like the Braves' AA manager--now that was classic. When he crawled on his belly to get to the pitcher's mound where he took the resin bag, pulled the pin acting like it was a grenade and tossed it in the direction of the home plate umpire, well, that was just the best of all time. But Weaver could incite the ire of the boys in blue back when Robby, Brooks, Palmer, Cuellar and others played for him.

Arguing a controversial call over a rule, he said,"Wait right here. I'm going to get my rule book."

The umpire in question said,"Here. Use mine."

Weaver's response," I can't read braille."

Classic. I don't know how much is true, or if I have relayed only partial truth here. But if it's not true, it should be.


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