On the QT

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Loosley defined, juxtaposition is the placement of opposites next to each other. It's mainly used in the arts or by students studying for their SATs. But in the photo, the hoodie and the fence posts are in juxtaposition and therefore made me think about golf.

What? Well, you see my achey leg affected by my bad back has put me on the golf DL. And that hurts. So when I see the US Open is beginning today, once again I won't be playing. Not in the Open or anywhere else. But it doesn't keep me from thinking about golf.

The juxtapositions, and I am really bending the intention of the definition here or bastardizing as an old English prof of mine used to say, are as follows:

1. If you want to hit the ball in the air, then hit down on the ball.

2. If you want the ball to go a long ways, then swing easy.

3. If you want to see a good shot, then don't look up.

4. If you want to hit the green, then aim at a green-side sand trap. If you want to hit in the sand trap, then aim at the green.

Ok, the last one won't often work, but I'm astonished at how many times I'll miss a huge green and land in a small pot bunker just short of the green or to the right or left. Numbers 1-3 are legit juxtaposes though.

So is it any surprise then that the US Open is closed to me, a natural born citizen, but open to VJ Singh from Fiji?


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