On the QT

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

So I don't have a scanner with me. I found a generic waterfall. I duplicated the picture. It kinda reminds me of a fake waterfall on the River Walk Golf Course in San Diego. But it's not as beautiful as the real deal caled The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.
The Lower Falls drop 308 feet into a river below. It was one of the highlights of our trip to Yellowstone yesterday. The Canyon is also beautiful, and a mini-variation of our Grand Canyon in AZ.
Other highlights of Mother Nature Gone Nuts, as Steinbeck called Yellowstone, were the buffaloes. We had to come to a stop on the highway to allow several huge buffs pass. I rolled down my car window and could almost reach out and touch one. There were a few rangers around to try to ensure no one got gored or charged by the mighty bison. They were awesome to see at that range and also on the range in hundreds. Baby buff calves nursed and lay beside their moms. All seemed unaffected by the cars and amateur photographers.
We also were privy to seeing a bald eagle in its nest, a herd of antelope, one lone elk whom we had to stop the car for, one lone moose near the road but in dark cover, and oh yeah some geothermal geysers. One was called Old Fateful. Well, it was fate that we got to see it go off ten minutes ahead of the posted time of expectance. Several people missed it, trusting the Ranger Station and Gift Shop and were on their way to the geyser when we were leaving. In the perfect blue Wyoming sky, Old Faithful provided a great show of shooting up water and steam.
I've longed to see Yellowstone, and yes, it took me a long time to get there. The wait was worth it.


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