Now, is that a beautiful picture? Something you would want to come home to? That's AZ. And I missed it.
A task that I have facing me is to remove a pretty good size of a paddle cactus (my nomenclature) that has fallen over from top-heaviness. When I tried to help it when I noticed the severe lean, it let me know who was in charge. Little cacti stickers, almost invisible to see, certainly could be felt for four or five days. And now it has toppled and needs removal. While I'll attempt to be careful, I'm prepared for more bristles in the fingers as a result.
Also, the cactus garden has taken a beating from several 110 degree days. I watered last Saturday, but no more. I mean flowery or not, they're supposed to be cactusus. They're supposed to withstand excessive heat. From now on, well at least for three more weeks, they're on their own. Stand up and be counted. Bite the bullet. Suck it up. You can be replaced you know. Except for the 6 1/2 foot saguaro.
So between frost damage in the Winter and heat damage in the Summer, our plants, flowers, and cactusus are probably glad we're back home, too. Ah, San Diego sounds good.
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