On the QT

Sunday, July 01, 2007


And we always have been. Fourth of July just always brings it out more. " Lest we forget," is not just for Veterans' Day, or it shouldn't be.

So let's celebrate. The usual way. Wave the flag. Enjoy picnics and fun around the water and parades, ballgames and food. Summertime food. Watermelon and corn and hamburgers and hot dogs. And yes, political speeches. But let's be fair, today, media, because that's what this country was founded on. Let's not report what Mitt Romney did to his dog in 1983, and omit mention of Jimmy Carter's support of the Hamas one week ago.

Let's focus on a holiday about a little bitty fledgling country that whipped the most powerful country in the world at that time to gain our independence. It's about how God has shed His grace (spread His grace is more accurate) on us. Time and time again.

Let's get Congress and President Bush together again to hammer out a viable immigration bill. Recess? Not yet, my friends; your work is not done. You were able to vote yourselves a raise of $4,000 per year. Now go back into session and earn it. We'll give you the 4th off to enjoy the liberties we have. Please stick around for the fireworks. That's a huge part of our celebration and tradition. But like most other working Americans, show up to work on July 5, and bring down the gavel to start another session.


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