On the QT

Friday, October 12, 2007

With a saguaro or two thrown in. But the hot air, if there is any movement of currents, comes much later in the day now. The blue skies habitually hover overhead. The low bank of white clouds is seen sometimes, but mostly blue cloudless skies prevail.
The saguaros have been around a long time and continue to thrive and grow arms and make our part of the world unique. And while some saguaros were harvested for new subdivisions, a practice which thankfully is now forbidden, new owners have replanted them on their properties in many cases.
A rare 30 degree temperature shift from morning low to afternoon high has people dressing in layers. A pleasant reprieve from a too hot Summer of '07. The overseeding is going on right now. If you don't know what that is, I'll try to explain. Most Bermuda grass will die out when frosts come. The result, a brown or yellow lawn, fairway, or rough. To combat that, rye grass is planted to give the green look to a healthy yard and/or golf course. Actually, I think even without the first frost, usually in December, the Bermuda would die because of a drop in temperature.
Chimineas and fire pits in addition to heated pools and spas, make desert nights more enjoyable. At outdoor restaurants and get -togethers, free standing tall heaters provide just enough warmth to enjoy the crisp air and cool evening while still being outside in clear star-filled skies.
If I've made it sound enticing, if I've made you want to come for a Fall visit, or an extended stay, or if I've convinced even one to become a snow bird and move at least part-time to the Phoenix area, then please don't. The traffic here is terrible and getting worse. We don't even want tourist money anymore. So please just read about us, just watch us on tv, but don't come visit anymore. And please, please don't consider a move. Well, unless I know you personally.


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