But I had a run in with an officer of the MTV Police force. It went something like this.
Saturday morning found me up early preparing to go with my son to a PK Bible study at his church. I heard knocking on a door down the hall from our hotel room. I'd talked to a football player from Youngstown State the night before. The team was staying there before taking on SIU on Saturday.
My thoughts: it's a football player who got locked out of his room. Or maybe he's just getting in from last night. The knocking continued. I could hear talking. Looking out the hole in the door, I saw a camouflaged officer knocking on my door. I opened it slightly to reveal an officer I knew. "Hey, what're you in town for?"
"Two grandkids' birthdays," I replied, still wondering why he was knocking at my door at 5:30 AM. Did I mention he had an assault rifle drpaed around his neck? Buddy Jim Silvey could have identified it. I simply figured it an AK 47, since that's the only kind I know.
"I bet they're getting pretty big now," the policeman replied.
"Oh yeah, they're great" (not meaning to do a Tony the Tiger imitation, but still wondering why we're talking).
"Two guys robbed Bob Evans and someone thought they ran into the hotel. We're checking out each room to see that they haven't grabbed someone and are hiding in one of the rooms."
I nodded, thinking to myself," Don't say that too loudly; it's not a bad plan."
"Be good/take cares/glad to see yas" were exchanged while I'm wondering what my still-in-bed-wife must be thinking.
After he left she told me she recognized his voice, so no worries. For us anyway(s). I later heard they caught them at some place where they spent $500 on drinks. Robbing must make guys pretty thirsty.
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