Chocolate. "Lots of chocolate for me to eat." And it's that time of year.
Black Friday, Cyber Monday. Christmas can't be far behind. Excess calories. Many added on because of chocolate. But they won't get me.
You see, for some reason, I'm not a real chocoholic. Smores are the height of my chocolate cravings. Not brownies or even chocolate lava cake, though I don't often turn that one down. Fudge: I can pass. Except at the St. Louis Center where you can see and smell them making it.
Anything chocolate to drink I normally refuse. When I was walking around the halls at Field/Hall School in the 50's and 60's, chocolate milk ruled in the cafeteria. For 2 cents. I tried it many times, because the other kids liked it, but I found myself unable to finish the little carton. So I went back to white milk. Now chocolate shakes are another story. I could and can throw them down, just not with the dedication and total absorption in the task as our 7 year old grandson. He has no trouble focusing on that shake.
Turtles, well those wrapped in some caramel are hard to resist, too. Along with a Kit Kat and fresh wafer. Chocolate covered pretzels are pretty tasty, too.
I feel an epiphanical change coming. And confession. I think I've talked myself into liking chocolate. Hershey was my first chocolate love. Maybe that explains my yearning for smores. S'more chocolate, too.
Now where's "one enormous chair"? I'll need some place to sit and enjoy.
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