Landry asked Matt in Friday Night Lights. You see, Landry is a high school brain. He even wears a Physics Crib Tee Shirt. Identical to the one our son wore in 1992. Well, Scott's was red, Landry's gray. Matt, from the tv show, is Landry's best friend. Matt's the quarterback of the team, thus more experienced in matters of the heart. Well, a little bit anyhow.
I wonder who helped out the little guy in this beach photo? Or is he dropping a handful of sand down her blouse? How about a hermit crab on the back of her hair? There's something going on in the picture because most little boys that age don't like most little girls. Especially dainty ones like her, complete with straw hat.
Sally was the first girl I liked. She was athletic, nothing dainty about her. There were two classes in each grade, three in some at our school, and I hardly ever, if ever, got in her class. Maybe that's why she appealed to me: I didn't have to be around her. I think it was probably her ponytail, though.
Lots of the 4th grade boys liked Sally. She seemed to like a lot of the boys. But not me. Once at a grade school track meet after I failed to qualify in the 50-yard dash, she asked me why I couldn't run faster. Talk about deflating. "Wait till the softball throw," I wish I had said, but Beaver Cleaver-like I replied, "Well, I cut my leg. Look."
She wasn't buying that the scratch, even two inches long was any red badge of courage for me. She didn't say anything though. Sometimes that's worse.
I never put my arm around Sally. Ever. I'm not sure we ever had any more conversation after that. She moved away. I'm glad. She could have damaged my fragile psyche at least through junior high had she stayed.
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