I've always wished I were more artistic. Or musical. Or athletic. Or something. Because, you see, I'm a generalist. I enjoyed a lot of subjects in school, well at least for awhile till the technical or specific aspects became too much for my limited brain. I mean who can keep straight a predicate from a verb? A dangling participle from a gerund. Ok, I guess I did learn some specifics, but back to art.
I never had a great talent. I drew some, painted some, always wanted to take a class at the museum, but sent my kids instead. But I followed it. I know that when it comes to drawing portraits that one technique is to measure off a grid into small boxes and duplicate what is in each box. Kinda like piecemeal or breaking down a big task into several small ones.
But what about the artist who drew this little girl from the photograph provided? Oh, he did a good job. But how about taking it one step further?
Lots of people share his talent. And there's much demand. But how about taking a picture of an older person and turn them into a baby? What did he/she once look like? Before the ravages of time? Or since newborns sometimes look like old people, just draw a little old face on a newborn body?
Sound goofy? Sound like nobody would want a picture like that? You're probably right. That's why I am only a generalist instead of a professional keen on detail. And logic.
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